Showing posts with label By: Sherise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label By: Sherise. Show all posts

Friday, September 26, 2014

Wake Up Call!!

I always had this belief in the notion that, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

When finding myself faced with many of life's challenges I realized that all of those people I would go out of my way for and help would not necessarily be there for me in my time of need.

Whether it's something simple like giving me a ride when you are heading in the same direction or borrowing money when I have no food in the home.

I believed that they deserve my help; not because I am better off,  but because we are all human.

And I forget that sometimes people have to be given the opportunity to deal with consequences of their own actions and that you can't always fix everything.

I have also learned that you can not always help someone to the detriment of your own good. 

When in the long run, 'maybe not the near future' you are doing yourself an injustice.

This is not only to save yourself from the consequences that helping others would have on your life, but it gives them the opportunity to learn from their actions and grow.

I have experienced first hand that when life beats you down those same people you rescued along the way are the people who will trample on you while you are down. Walk on and never look back.

This is my WAKE UP CALL!!

Time to detox my life from all the negative people and experiences in my life and putting my needs first.

Mark Twain said that you should,“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” 

But more than just not being there for you in your hour of need, negative people in our lives as far as I see it also holds the following qualities. 

The Toxic person is someone who:
  • Complains and dumps their problems on you but doesn't do anything to change their situation. 
  • Someone who is not supportive. 
  • Someone who makes you feel bad. 
  • Someone who shoots down your bright ideas, big goals, or bold (and risky) decisions that you need to make in order to be successful.

Firstly: You must decide that you are worth it
  • What are my goals and how badly do I want to achieve them? Are these people supporting my goals or slowing me down?

Secondly: Identify the toxic folks! 
  • Toxic people make you feel worse than when you started talking to them. They bring your energy level down. They leave you feeling bummed out.
  • There is a difference between someone sharing with you their struggles and challenges vs someone who constantly complains. The difference is someone who is genuinely struggling is willing to listen to constructive feedback and is open to change (and does change). Conversely, whiners and complainers don’t want to change and just want you to feel sorry for them.
  • Toxic people can fall within the spectrum of being subtly draining to all around toxic and hostile (read: openly critical of you). But even if they fall on the less severe end of the “toxic people spectrum”, they will still bring you down. People don’t need to be outright poisonous to affect you negatively.

Thirdly: Let them go!
This however has come to ring not so true. Most importantly apart from identifying negative people in your lives, we need to be able to Detox the negative people from your life. 

  • You need to feel as if you’re worthy of achieving your goals and changing into the person you want to be. Letting go of any negativity in your life will help you get there faster. You've got to be committed to doing this for yourself otherwise your guilt for letting go of certain relationships will keep you in the same place.
  • How to realize you’re worth it: Simply. Make the choice and decide that it’s time you committed to yourself, your goals, and your dreams and you won’t let anything stop or slow you down from getting there.
  • Think about the negative side effects of holding onto these relationships. Ask yourself:What effect are these relationships having on my life?
  • They shoot down your ideas. e.g., They question what you’re doing. They may say something like, “Well, maybe you shouldn't change careers because you have so much job security here. What about your benefits? Or your retirement?” This is pretty common and sometimes subtle and harder to notice. Even though it may sound like they’re giving you advice, in the end they’re just putting more doubts into your head because your actions may bring up their own fears and insecurity.
  • Just start. Use whatever method you think is appropriate. Avoid them. Don’t pick up their calls. Apologize for being distant but you don’t need to explain why or defend your actions.
  • You don’t have to explain anything to them unless you feel need to because they’re being persistent and pushy. This is because they are probably not in a state of mind to listen to what you have to say anyway and will probably get on the defensive if you try to explain yourself.
  • Do it gracefully and with love. Send them off with love and a prayer. Be open to the possibility that if and when they are ready to change and be more positive/supportive, then you would be open to rekindling the relationship.
Stay #Sherified

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Self - Realization

The realization that you are worth more than what you give yourself credit for, is a beautiful experience. One which I vow too treasure. 

Sun Kissed

The Oxford Dictionary defines Self - Realization as the "Fulfillment of one’s own potential". 

My hope for the future is that each and every one out there, has the courage to follow their dreams, hopes and desires. That you too shall experience the gift of self-realization and the beauty that lies within all of us.

We can never imagine the unlimited power harboured inside ourselves, until the day we give it permission; allow the flood gates to open and let your life take its remarkable course and trust that the destination is a place reserved for your soul. Where your heart can run freely and your days filled with abundant joy.

There's too many things that I haven't done yet
Too many sunsets

I haven't seen

You can't waste the day wishing it'd slow down
I made up my mind when I was a young girl
I've been given this one world
I won't worry it away

But now and again I lose sight of the good life
I get stuck in a low light
But then Love comes in 

And I realize that I am filled with infinite potential

This piece is my gift to you, and my one request, is that in return you shall unwrap it and allow your own light to shine and release your potential; the kaleidoscope of colour, uniquely package and gift wrapped just for you.

I cannot predict the future, but I can foretell that our journeys will be rich, winding and blessed. Heading too our destiny's and enjoying the many miles that is the self-realization of our abundant lives. All while enjoying the sunsets we haven't seen. 

I foresee that my destiny is fulfilled. 

Stay #Sherified 

Monday, May 27, 2013


I am overwhelmed by the response.
Life has a strange way of giving you what you want.
It may not be in the way you envisioned it or in the minimalistic or in some cases, the magnitude. But divine providence has afforded me these opportunities and I am filled with an over abundance of gratitude that blinds and confuses the soul.

I am overwhelmed with the decisions I have to make, as each action denotations a reaction and has an unambiguous and duplicitous affect on those around us.

I am faced with deciding the best option that will in turn appease my needs, my wants and desires.
I seek the answer only time can afford me.
The question remains and the one only father time has the answer to, is does decision chosen held the best and prosperous outcome for me?

Gratitude is my directive and I marvel at how my life has changed, how my soul has change, how I have changed.

I shall choose wisely and calm my overwhelmed spirit.
Knowing that the gift of abundance and opulence is ever present and predestined.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Shooting from the heart.

God has cursed, me to see, what life should be like.
If God wanted me to be this person and be happy here.
He wouldn't have let me feel so oppressed. 
He wouldn't let me feel so trampled on.
I want that, when they see me they know that every day when I am breathing it is for us to go future.

I have to do more than what the average man will do.
I have to set a mark, that nobody can touch and when I set that mark.
I am going to reach it.

What the universe is not ready for is a real person.
I am the battled that has to be fought and if people want to be down, it can be a peoples thing.
But if people don't want to be down then I will do it by myself.

There is no place I wont go and I feel if you have love and you do things from the heart, then you can go wherever you heart wants to go.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


We all make them; at the end of the day, not choosing to make a decision is a choice.

We all experience different things, during different periods in our lives.
Some experiences thrill us, some leave us in a state of disbelief and others leaves us enraged, distorted and discouraged.

We all at some point envisioned the perfect self, the perfect me, the perfect experience and even the perfect lives.

But what defines perfection after all. The choices we choose to make or the choices we choose not to make; which still inevitably gives us an outcome a product of choice.

I have come to the conclusion that the choices we make doesn't necessarily define who we are or who we want to be; it merely ushers in a new dawn, a new experience, a new choice.

The choice that really matters at the end of each day, is the choices that we choose to make and the hope that bad ones gives us the opportunity to appreciate the good ones we do experience.
The product of a outcome we choice, so that it is above all, enjoyed, for that which it is and not what we choice or envisioned it to be.

Here is to living each day, filled with choices that ushers us into the new day which creates the strands of our lives.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Turning Points

We all have turning points in life.
Some more profound than others.

The universe is in perpetual motion and we are caught in the vortex of life.
Our first word, that signifies the beginning of our communicating process.
Our last breath, representing life ever after.

It is not always comprehended, that patience is one of the many vehicles of change.
We attempt to understand Isaac Newtons 3 law of motion.
1) The law of inertia: An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

2) Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).

3) For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.

For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.

In order for something to turn, it has to move and any movement, whether it takes a split second or a few years, seeks patience while the process of turning occurs.

Its hard to explain the motion of time, neither here or there...
Some what ambiguous
With all the turns life takes the outside still exist
The space in between
Standing alone here now in this point of motion.
Stuck in between the equal and opposite reaction
The vortex where no one exists and no one has a space, no one belongs.

Stuck In Between the Law of Motion

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Beyond the Physical

Life is about the give and take of all things
seen and unseen.

The smell of grass, and the absence of it between your toes.
The movement of the lips, that never speaks and the tilting of the neck.

Horizontal eyes embracing the darkness of the day.
The ear that endures the silence...
and amidst all these wonders,
the beyond exists.

The ever expanding circumference of man.
Growing Older!
Growing Wiser!

The ripple accommodates the log going down stream
and the splash of a pebble creating a
new existence beyond,
resisting the beyond,
The sound you hear that fills your heart
before your lips move
(the moans of pleasure).
The ray that embraces the skin and is never seen.

Beyond the physical we find the splash of life that takes us beyond the physical to humans we are, meant to be,
born to be!

Beyond The Physical

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.

So here is to the cheesy moments we all seem to have.
The cheesy friends that fills our lives.
The cheesy moments that we wish we never had.
The cheesy moments that takes our breaths away.

And that ridiculous Oder well, it creeps up on all of us once in a while.
Produced by that chip on our shoulder.
The variety of tastes savoured and accompanied
by that water that once was turned in to wine.

So cheers to that sour milk moments,
lets mature and make sour milk moments.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Breathing Ground

When I am alone I see inside of the beauty that could have been

Searching seeking my soul

Holding a breath just to be me

After all that comes and goes just to be

I cry and feel and seek, finding

Holding a breath just to be me 

And in the darkness I move beyond meaning

Each stroke defining my destiny
Each movement creating motion

Hold a breath just to be me

Oh and in the secret I find
that way is in the darkness

Alone with out sincerity of care
the darkness becomes
the feeding ground of the soul

This facade grows thin,
From darkness I find light as the shadows fall

Holding a breath just to be me

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Monday, July 11, 2011


They call it interrogation, striving for equality

Erecting an army to interrograte the other,
not the other,
not the “other” seeing unequaled forming part,
forming to different worlds you and them.

Norm and the norm seeker

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Its not acquired or purchased
Its comes from within branches out and takes root in the consciousness of the other.
Be it friend or foe:
  • No
It comes Freedom of expression, surging inside.
I pick its fruits:
  • Integrity
  • Humility
  • Acceptance
  • Courage
My strength is my roots that stems from within me.
I can not control my branches,
but I can allow it to bloom and with this comes the element of freedom.
My Bloom has blossomed it is now Sherified!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

You and I

You and I

We are like hands in prayer

Vertically embracing the other as
we write our note to god
and each bended knee is repentance for the mysteries

You and I

are yet to discover
As we now bow our heads in pray we say

Thank you for our horizontal wish
which is now a vertical pray.

You and I

Monday, June 6, 2011

"Mrs." is actually an abbreviation for the word "mistress."

"Mistress" is the feminine form of "mister," which originally meant "master." Over the years people garbled the name for the married female, and the word "mistress" took on the meaning of an illicit lover, something far different than its original connotation. Therefore, married women ceased to spell out the full word, leaving "Mrs." as the far more respectable abbreviation.

Friday, June 3, 2011


My future does not define me.

Ever change has become me, moving and flowing towards my destiny.  Never knowing, always seeking, always finding.

The future and the past merges.

I have been hated and discriminated against.
I have been protested and demonstrated against.

My image has been distorted.
I am no longer respected.
I am helped and protected.

Nobody knows but me

That I sometimes cry
If I could pretend that I'm asleep
When my tears start to fall I peek out from behind these walls
I think nobody knows.
Nobody likes to lose their inner voice
The one I used to hear before my life
Made a choice
But I think nobody knows
The secret's safe with me
There's nowhere else in the world that I could ever be and baby don't it feel like I'm all alone.
Who's gonna be there after the last angel has flown
And I've lost my way back home
I think nobody knows
Nobody cares
It's win or lose not how you play the game and the road to darkness has a way of always knowing my name
Tomorrow I'll be there my friend
I'll wake up and start all over again
When everybody else is gone
No Nobody knows
Nobody knows the rhythm of my heart
The way I do when I'm lying in the dark and the world is asleep
I think nobody knows but me

So while destiny awaits I weep as my heart beats.

Hello world!

The decision to document life comes in many forms.

Be it, the good old Diary, the Photo Album, Visual imagery, the Biography, or even lets face it a blog which capsulates the essence of sound and most of all and dear to my heart the written word.

I Welcome you into my world and let today be a journey for life with all the mega moments and depleting challenges.

So now be Sherified!

It's not acquired or purchased.

It comes from within, branches out and takes root in the consciousness of the other.

Be it friend or foe.


It comes from Freedom of Expression, surging inside.

I pick its fruits:

  • Integrity
  • Humanity
  • Acceptance
  • Courage

My strength is my roots that stems from within me.

I can not control my branches, but I can allow it to bloom and with this comes the element of freedom.

My bLoOm has blossomed, it is now Sherified!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Evs (Krotoa)

Krotoa, Krotoa I long to hear
Conforming to that, which is strange and different.
Bound by boundaries rooted deeper than time.
She looks and feels and says difference.
Krotoa, Krotoa I long to hear
Offering that difference to the unknown

Appealing to the humanity of man
I seek no comfort but find solace in change
and springs beyond that which is offered to her
Adopting the name awarded to me,
Regarded as a privilege to say the least.
Failing to flaunt my features I am noticed.
Changing her identity with material value.
Adding transgression, using communication,
feeding evolution.
A vehicle of trade is what i am known for
Krotoa, Krotoa, I long to hear

Two worlds capture the essence of my being
Krotoa, Krotoa, I no longer hear
I now choose the road less travelled by one paved by the other and locate divinity
I conform to that of Eva Van Riebeeck to Eva Van Meerhoff
I long no more to hear
Krotoa, Krotoa

Hearing, meditation
I remain the vehicle o trade and conversation
A revelation indeed
Trying to grasp history by time gone by, sketching an image of immortality.
Deeming the regurgitated facts as a portrayal of ideologies held and lives lived.
Describing the feeless faults, guided by the pen
and the heroic existence absorbed by many.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Random Genetic Drift


Random genetic drift

has thrown me a curve ball

From Bountiful Boozem

to Springed Locks

Shadowing the minute entity

Divulging exist

by written word.

Releasing the insecurity

of  a physical and spiritual body

Leaving it free to evolve

Foetus, Ovulation, Inspiration.

Femininity driving…


Random genetic drift

has thrown me a curve ball

No more!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rocking Belief

Rocking belief.


The rock that bleeds

belief is steady, grounded and seen.

The rock that bleeds belief

Has proof of its existence

not promise

The rock that bleeds belief

does not break down,

dry and crumble

The rock that bleeds belief

sees the rising sun

from the peek up high

The rock that bleeds belief

sways with the motion

spawned by the ocean

The rock bleeds belief

know its own strength

and shimmers through the dark

and does not break.


The rock that bleeds believes.

Thursday, October 7, 2010



Man has learnt softly that this is life and we have to deal with it.

Prejudice exists

Exploitation occurs

And that it’s up to use to make it happen.

The urge for success

The desires of man

The ability to over come

And the art of expression

True and Clear

Man has learnt softly that, what you write is who you are

What you combine is who you want to be

And what you achieve is magnificent in its simplicity.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


the pen is mightier than the sword

Henry David Thoreau said “How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.” I draw from my experiences I keep them simple yet real, I cut no corners but soften the blows. “The pen is” yet indeed “mightier than the sword”. Edward Bulwer-Lytton

It is powerful to think that man tries to change the world by focusing on how to change that which they want to eradicate for example, war, disease, depression, famine, etcetera. They form social groups, run campaigns, give to charity. None the less you become an enabler to that which they want to change by promoting it though informing the world of its existence and of the situation at hand. Yet they do not realise change is mightier than what is done and said, it is an emotional experience comprising of the heart and the mind. Did you ever wonder how iconic phrases like “fight fire with fire” William Shakespeare stood the test of time. It is the product of man’s heart producing thought and it is a combination of these states of being that bring about text that focus on the expression of self, transformed into that which enforces change and not the change itself.

According to Williams James “a chain is no stronger than its weakest link, and life is after all a chain” so in order to change the world change yourself. Nurture, manifest and create a better you don’t be a link in an ongoing chain. Grow you, break the chain and change the world.

While thought exists, words are alive and literature becomes an escape, not from, but into living” Cyril Connolly

Become The Pen, Be Mightier Than The Sword!