Tuesday, June 21, 2011

You and I

You and I

We are like hands in prayer

Vertically embracing the other as
we write our note to god
and each bended knee is repentance for the mysteries

You and I

are yet to discover
As we now bow our heads in pray we say

Thank you for our horizontal wish
which is now a vertical pray.

You and I

Monday, June 6, 2011

"Mrs." is actually an abbreviation for the word "mistress."

"Mistress" is the feminine form of "mister," which originally meant "master." Over the years people garbled the name for the married female, and the word "mistress" took on the meaning of an illicit lover, something far different than its original connotation. Therefore, married women ceased to spell out the full word, leaving "Mrs." as the far more respectable abbreviation.